THE SOUND INSIDE, The fourth and final production in Marin Theatre Co's 2021-2022 season, is fast approaching, and I have the true pleasure of coming out from Brooklyn, NY to the beautiful Mill Valley, CA (my home state), to work on this intelligent and gripping two-person play by Adam Rapp; working alongside playwright/actor Denmo Ibrahim and under the direction of MTC's artistic director Jasson Minadakis, with all the amazing designers at the Marin Theatre Company as well. The Sound Inside is the story of an ivy league creative writing professor, her writing legacy, and a relationship that forms with a student of hers. The play articulates the human emotional wildernesses, the occasional and precious oases, and the peculiar but ultimately recognizable love that manifests even in this day and age when so much seems to have been lost or called into serious doubt. It is a full, and refreshing, modern play, well worth witnessing and contending with, so welcome.
Let's come together.

Cirque Musica Holiday Wishes!
November 20, 2019
From November 20 until December 29th, I will be road-tripping all across the U.S.A. performing with this magnificent and spectacular company. If you're looking to fill your holiday season with awe and wonder - truly, enchanting stage craft - then consider this tour and look for tickets in cities nearby using the link below. I myself will be singing alongside the incredible gymnasts, aerialists, jugglers, dancers, and the like, but I hope by the end of the tour, I will have a few more tricks of the trade up my sleeve.
Join us!

Legally Blonde in Babylon, NY
June 05, 2019
I recently re-watched the 2001 original film LEGALLY BLONDE, and can confirm that it remains a fresh, funny, heartwarming piece. It's ultimately an uplifting and truly funny story about taking control of your life. It's about what we can accomplish with devotion and purpose, and what we'll discover that becomes even more important. The stage musical adaptation is a stunning, exhilarating, true reimagining that I had the pleasure of performing way back when I was in high school. I'm so honored and delighted to be revisiting this material in my 20s, and playing the absolutely beautiful character of Emmett Forrest. This production is going up at the Argyle Theatre in Babylon, NY this summer: Previews start on July 11th, with the show running until August 24th. I am a sucker for this musical. The clever and effective lyrics and compositions surprise expectations, and the bold derivations and emphases from the original material are really well done. It's fast pacing and crisp, refined condition are laudable as well. It's a new piece with the same heart as the film: what you want can be so much better when you find your way.
Ticket Info and Dates: https://argyletheatre.com/broadway-shows/legally-blonde-2/

Late Last Night Feature
December 21, 2018
The Late Last Night Podcast Team asked me to write a horror story for their horror radio series, and I'm so grateful to them for accepting it and producing it. It's called Students Ask Questions. It features the fabulous voice acting talents of John Rockwell, Caitlin Notey, Will Oaken, and Mackin Carroll. Below I have attached the website address for the full episode as well as the time stamp when Students Ask Questions begins. My deep thanks to Caitlin Notey for brilliantly managing the project and the series.
Enjoy :)
https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/caitlin-notey/late-last-night/e/52004366 (FULL EPISODE) - Students Ask Questions begins @ 21:47

The Resonance Podcast: Bruce!
December 12, 2018
I was fortunate enough to be cast as Bruce in one of the fabulous episodes of the Resonance. This podcast features various tales told across time and space, all within the limitless possibilities of the multiverse. Check out the episode BRUCE and all the others: http://www.resonancepodcast.com.
In Universe 8344963-L22, the Mind Planet Omega arrives to Planet Earth. Out of boredom, it takes a chance to explore Earth and find out what it means to be human with his human guide, Emmanuel “Mango” Burton.
Episode LInk: http://www.resonancepodcast.com/?p=368

Parade at 3-D Theatricals
June 01, 2018
3-D Theatricals is reviving its award winning production of Jason Robert Brown and Alfred Uhry's Parade! and I am honored to be joining the project in the role of Frankie Epps. I will also have the immense privilege of beginning the show as the Young Soldier which grants me the great pleasure of singing one of Jason Robert Brown's most stirring compositions - "The Old Red Hills of Home." Brown's music is of a profound caliber - his lyrics are consistently rich and thoughtful as well as masterfully constructed. Parade! opens June 1st at the Cerritos Perfoming Arts Center where it will spend two weeks before transferring to the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center for the remainder of the run.
Ticket information can be found at this link: http://www.3dtheatricals.org/productions/parade-2/
Cheers! I hope to see you there and thank you for your support.

Man of La Mancha - Understudy Performances
May 28, 2017
It's official - A Noise Within has extended their run of Man of La Mancha till June 4th. Unfortunately, Jeremey Rabb, who has played the role of the Padre since we opened the show in March is unable to perform in our extension, so I have the privilege of replacing him in this role of a lifetime, getting the opportunity to sing some of the most beautiful and thoughtful music in the American musical theatre canon.
Go to: http://www.anoisewithin.org to see the extension calendar and buy tickets.
Thank you in advance for your attendance - this piece is a profoundly beautiful imagining of an already masterpiece musical.